Wednesday, 13 February 2008
I know that certain vitamins are supposed to help low blood sugar such as B vitamins, chromium and magnesium. Brewers Yeast is supposed to be particularly good for low blood sugar sufferers as it contains everything you need apart from the magnesium which you can find in whole grains as well as a whole host of other foods.
Saturday, 9 February 2008
Sweet Treats
With valentines day coming up it might be tempting to taste more sweet treats than you should. Just remember the best time to minimise the effect of sweet things is to have them just after a meal, or in very small amounts.
Sunday, 3 February 2008
Yesterday I hadn't eaten anything wholemeal since midday the day before. By the middle of the afternoon when I was going round Sainsburys I was really shaking. I felt weak and tired and sick. Fortunately I recovered a bit on the way home and managed to eat something when I got home and felt much better.
It is so long since I have got that low, I had forgotton what it was like, and it certainly reminded me how important it is to have wholemeal foods.
It is so long since I have got that low, I had forgotton what it was like, and it certainly reminded me how important it is to have wholemeal foods.
RECIPE: Lentil Bake
This was a great addition to our Sunday lunch and the kids loved it too!

Click here for the recipe:
Saturday, 2 February 2008
Blood Sugar is lower when I'm on my own
I had a morning on my own today, the kids were with their dad and my boyfriend isn't coming down till later. Although I woke up realtively early (half seven) I sat on the laptop in bed for a while and delayed breakfast till nearly 10. What a mistake, my blood sugar has taken a real slump. A walk just now has got me moving and I've had more food and I know I will be ok, but it has just made me realise that I look after myself a lot more if I have to be around other people.
Thursday, 31 January 2008
Filling Breakfasts
I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions of nice filling breakfasts I can give to my kids in the morning to stop them getting grumpy through the morning.
I usually give them porridge with fruit and sometimes toast as well, but this doesn't always seem to give them all the energy they need. Any suggestions?
I usually give them porridge with fruit and sometimes toast as well, but this doesn't always seem to give them all the energy they need. Any suggestions?
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
GI Index
I wondered if anyone else has used the GI index of foods to work out if they are good for blood sugar? Most things are obvious to me but it does surprise me that white spagetti has low GI when wholemeal spagetti fills me up so much. Also parsnips are worse GI than mashed potato, that was also a surprise. I wonder if it has been a good guide for anyone else with low blood sugar?
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
Benign Goitre
I had an appointment yesterday and found out that my enlarged thyroid is benign, which I worked out basically means they don't know why. All my other tests were fine so it looks like none of they symptoms I'm experiencing are due to that. So it must be low blood sugar. I guess not surprising since I've had it since I was a child.
Sunday, 27 January 2008
Snacks really help
I really notice the difference in my kids if they have a snack in between meals. Even if it is only fruit it keeps their blood sugar much higher and they don't get moody when the next meal is due.
I find they like seeds, nuts, a couple of crackers, oakcakes or ricecakes. I sometimes give them crisps but they don't seem to work as well.
I find they like seeds, nuts, a couple of crackers, oakcakes or ricecakes. I sometimes give them crisps but they don't seem to work as well.
Saturday, 26 January 2008
I'm going for another appointment about my thyroid on Monday. It might be that the symptoms that I have previously attributed to low blood sugar might be due to this. Although the blood tests didn't bring up anything I do have an enlarged thyroid so it will be interesting to see what they say.
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
When your Blood Sugar falls too far
I was wondering if anyone else ever gets to the point with their blood sugar that they know they need something to eat but only the thing they really fancy will do. If they can't get it they won't get an alternative but will rather their blood sugar gets really low than put up with an alternative.
I get like this sometimes and it makes no sense as I should just eat to get myself feeling better, but my mind seems to not let me, I just can't understand it.
I get like this sometimes and it makes no sense as I should just eat to get myself feeling better, but my mind seems to not let me, I just can't understand it.
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
I never used to have anything sweet, but lately have been eating chocolate again. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions of something that is as tasty as chocolate but without the sugar.
Monday, 21 January 2008
On Friday my youngest daughter had the shakes for the very first time. After an active afternoon at nursery and then a half an hour ballet lesson she was very shaky. She was fine after a snack, but it is difficult to give her much to eat before she does exercise. I will try to feed her up earlier in the day this week and see how she goes.
Wednesday, 16 January 2008
Snack Foods
I was really hungry tonight, it was past my normal dinner time and I was still in town. I picked up a chilli flavoured nut and seed selection from Asda. I'm not sure exactly what was in there but it had almonds, pine nuts, sunflower seeds and some other seeds too. I only had a few handfuls and it really worked at boosting my blood sugar. I'm not sure whether it was the seeds or the nuts that worked, but it certainly worked.
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
School Lunch
By giving my daughter a triple decker sandwich today I improved her mood coming out of school amazingly. It is amazing how such a small amount of extra food makes such a big difference.
Monday, 14 January 2008
Eating a Good Breakfast
This morning I got up a bit later than usual and rushed the kids through breakfast. My daughter said she was still hungry but we were running out of time so I didn't get her anything extra. As a result she came home in a terrible bad mood, and even a snack when she got in didn't help. Fortunately she is ok now she has had dinner, but it certainly taught me a lesson - make sure they have a good breakfast even if it means being a few minutes late leaving the house.
Sunday, 13 January 2008
Warmer and Still not fancying chocolate
It seems that my chocolate cravings are completely based on my hormones as I haven't fancied it at all for the last week. I also ate better today and feel much warmer so my blood sugar is higher as a result. I bought a lot of soups and snack foods today so that when I'm snuggled up in bed in the evenings trying to stay warm I can munch on something to stop me getting too low. Any ideas of low fat filling snacks that don't need much preparation (if any!) would be appreciated.
Friday, 11 January 2008
Feeling Fuller
I must say that eating more wholemeal products not only balances my blood sugar better but also makes me feel more full which stops me wanting to snack on things which are bad for me. I also find that eating lots of beans, nuts and seeds also fills me up and helps my blood sugar more than eating fruit and veg do.
Thursday, 10 January 2008
I am craving chocolate right now which is a sure sign that my blood sugar is starting to drop. I know that I should have soemthing to eat, but I also don't want to put on lots of weight (especially after loosing a lot lately). I find endulging my craving allows me to stop wanting to things, but because I only have a small amount I don't put on weight like I would if I tried to eat enough to get my blood sugar back up. Maybe not the right way to deal with things, but it seems to be working.
Wednesday, 9 January 2008
More food when its colder
I have noticed that as the winter weather comes I feel more hungry. I assume my body needs the extra food to help me stay warm. However I suffer more with my blood sugar levels in the summer when it is very hot, but I don't feel hungry. Maybe I drink more amd feel full up so my body isn't telling me to eat often enough. Do others get like this I wonder?
Tuesday, 8 January 2008
Boiler Problems
I had a problem with my boiler on Sunday and the engineer says it has been blowing out fumes. I wonder if that is the reason for why I am feeling tired with no energy. I am hoping to find out soon!!
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